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Soft Crescent Rolls Recipe - Fluffy and Irresistibly Delicious

Soft Crescent Rolls Recipe - Fluffy and Irresistibly Delicious

Ingredients: - 400 grams all-purpose flour - 7 grams instant yeast (1 tablespoon or 1 packet) - 15 grams granulated sugar (1 tablespoon) - 7 grams salt (1 1/6 teaspoons) - 35 ml sunflower oil - 225 ml water - 40 grams unsalted butter - 1 medium-sized egg Instructions: 1. In a deep bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, instant yeast, granulated sugar, salt, sunflower oil, and water. Mix well until a shaggy dough forms. 2. Knead the dough for 10-12 minutes on a floured work surface until it becomes smooth and elastic. 3. Place the kneaded dough back in the bowl, cover it, and allow it to rise for 1 hour in a warm place or until it has doubled in size. 4. After the dough has risen, divide it into two equal pieces. 5. Roll out each piece of dough on a floured work surface to create a round sheet. You should end up with two round sheets of dough. 6. Spread 20 grams of unsalted butter on each round sheet. 7. Place one round sheet on top of the other to create a buttered dough sandwich. 8. Using a knife, cut the buttered dough into 12 equal triangles. 9. To shape the crescent rolls, take a triangle of dough and gently stretch it a bit. Starting from the wide base, roll up each triangle towards the tip to create the crescent shape. 10. Place the shaped crescent rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving some space between them. 11. Beat the egg in a small bowl and brush the tops of the crescent rolls with the beaten egg. 12. Allow the crescent rolls to rise for an additional 30 minutes, or until they have doubled in size. 13. Preheat your oven to 200°C (392°F). 14. Once the crescent rolls have risen, place them in the preheated oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until they are nicely golden brown. Keep a close eye on them as baking times may vary depending on your oven. 15. When the crescent rolls are done, remove them from the oven and immediately cover them with a clean kitchen towel. This helps keep them soft and moist. 16. Serve the soft crescent rolls warm and enjoy! These soft crescent rolls are perfect for breakfast or as a delicious accompaniment to any meal.

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