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Delectable Strawberry Mochi Recipe - A Sweet Japanese Delight

Delectable Strawberry Mochi Recipe - A Sweet Japanese Delight

Strawberry Mochi is a delightful Japanese dessert that combines the sweet and chewy texture of glutinous rice dough with the luscious flavor of fresh strawberries. Each bite-sized mochi ball encapsulates a juicy strawberry, making it a sweet and fruity treat with a touch of elegance. The vibrant pink color and heartwarming taste make it a favorite among those with a sweet tooth.


For the Mochi Wrapper:
- 100g Glutinous rice flour
- 30g Cornstarch
- 35g Sugar
- 180ml Milk
- 2-3 drops strawberry food coloring
- 15g Butter

For the Filling:
- 150ml Non-dairy whipping cream
- 50ml Dairy whipping cream
- 1-2 tablespoons condensed milk
- 3 tablespoons strawberry puree


1. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine glutinous rice flour, sugar, milk, and strawberry food coloring. Stir until everything is dissolved completely.

2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and steam the mixture for 20 minutes or until the dough becomes translucent.

3. After steaming, add the butter to the dough and mix until it's well combined. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and stretchy. Allow the dough to cool for 45 minutes.

4. In a mixing bowl, whip together all the ingredients for the filling until stiff peaks form.

5. Dust your working surface and the mochi dough with more cooked glutinous rice flour (or cornstarch) to prevent sticking. Flatten the mochi dough into a circular shape. Pipe the prepared filling in the center of the mochi wrapper.

6. Pinch the four corners of the mochi wrapper, and then pinch the remaining corners together to encase the filling.

7. Tap the bottom of the mochi with cooked glutinous rice flour or cornstarch to prevent sticking. Use a brush to gently remove any excess flour from the assembled mochi.

Your Strawberry Mochi is now ready to be enjoyed!

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